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Research Institutes (Beijing)


Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture (IEDA)


“Our Mission is to deliver the scientific knowledge and innovative solutions for better agro-environment and sustainability of agricultural development”.
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture (IEDA) is a non-profit organization affiliated to CAAS and is in the leading position of agricultural environment studies in China. IEDA carries out mission-oriented research in responding to emerging challenges such as climate change, more frequent disaster, increasing water scarcity and degraded agro-ecosystem, etc.

IEDA organizes its basic and applied researches through a dynamic and integrated approach around the following five domains:

1 Climate Change Impacts and Adaption
• Climate change impacts on food security;
• Reasonably use of agro-climate resources;
• Development of adaptation technology.

Through years of monitoring and researching on the climate change impacts on agricultural production, meteorological research team in IEDA has untangled relative contributions of recent climate and CO2 trends to national cereal production in China.

2 Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation
• Greenhouse gas emission/removal inventory and projection;
• Development of greenhouse gas emission mitigation technology, and assessment of emission reduction potential;
• Carbon trading methodology development;
• MRV system for domestic mitigation in agricultural sector.

Greenhouse gas emission monitoring

3 Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Reduction
• Precise monitoring and early warning for agricultural disasters;
• Agricultural disasters risk management;
• Development of novel technology and material for agricultural disaster mitigation.

Development of first weather-index insurance product Development of first weather-index insurance product
• Biological water-saving for crop water productivity improvement; 
• Efficient use of rainwater in dry land farming system;
• Water scarcity and food securities;
• Monitoring and assessment of agriculture water quality in watershed;
• The effects of farming system on water quality;
• Water pollutant tracing technologies.

IEDA has made remarkable achievements in developing and disseminating technologies aiming at improving agricultural water productivity and constructing environmental friendly dry land farming system.

Dry-land farming decision support system Mulching technology for water harvest and soil moisture conservation in dry land area Intercropping farming system of cereal crops and economic crops

1 Environmental Engineering for Livestock 
• Environmental system for high productivity of livestock;
• Gas emission monitoring and mitigation in the livestock sector;
• Livestock manure treatment and recycling use.

CDM technology application in manure treatment of animal

2 Environmental Engineering for Horticulture
• Energy-saving in protected horticulture;
• Efficient resource use in plant factory.

IEDA’s achievement on plant factory enables yearly consecutive production of crops by using high-precision environment control techniques which integrates biotechnology, constructional engineering, mechanical drive, material science, protected agricultural and computer technique. It’s a symbol of China’s high-tech agriculture

Plant factory using LED lighting Plant factory for leaf vegetable production Family Plant factory exhibited in Shanghai EXPO in 2010

• Agricultural clean basin
• Agro-environmental restoration
• Ecology and Bio-control of invasive alien species

1 New Agricultural Antibiotic Producing Methods
The new method for producing agriculture antibiotic by using the soil microbes Streptomyces lavendulae var. hainanessis n.var has won the excellent prize of China Patent Award. It could effectively control some plant diseases including the rice bacterial leaf blight, apple ring spot, apple altermaria leaf spot, citrus canker, cabbage soft rot, and cucumber angular leaf spot with low toxicity to human and animals and the short residual period in environment.

Equipment for producing the new agricultural antibiotic

2 Fertilizing Technologies in Upland Red Soil Areas of Southern China
Since 1982, IEDA has carried out long-term fertility experiments in the red soil areas of Southern China. Comprehensive fertility improvement technologies have been established through using self-developed compound fertilizers and upland red soil conditioners.

Application of new fertilizing technologies in upland cropping soil
• Agrochemical delivery
• Nano-based gene manipulation

Nano-based method of gene transfer for plant and animal breeding

Institute of Evironment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture
Address: 12 Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing, P.R. China 100081
Tel: +86-10-82109699