Institute of Quality Standards and Testing Technology for Agro-Products (IQSTAP)
Source: Department of International Cooperation of CAAS
Institute of Quality Standards & Testing Technology for Agro-Products (IQSTAP) of CAAS was established in 2003. It focuses on applied basic research and applied research, covering agro-product quality, agricultural standard and testing technology. It researches into the technology of agro-products quality assessment, safety tolerance determination, agricultural standard establishment and modification, quality risk assessment and management, quality control, and assessment technology, methods, and equipment, etc. Its priority is to overcome major technological obstacles encountered in agro-product quality, safety, standards and testing technologies.
Currently, IQSTAP has 56 active staff, including 53 science and technology personnel, among them 9 researchers and 13 associate researchers.
Organization for Research and Testing
Policy Research Division
Information Research Division
Risk Assessment Research Division
Residue Testing Research Division
Agro-product Quality and Safety Research Division
Animal Product Quality and Safety Research Division
National Center for Feed Quality Supervision and Testing (Beijing)