Chongqing_Chinese Academy Of Agricultural Sciences
Location :Home» Chongqing

Citrus Research Institute (CRI)

Citrus Research Institute(CRI,)CAAS was established in 1960 and is located in Chongqing municipality. It is the world’s third largest citrus germplasm preservation base. Main research fields cover collection, evaluation and preservation of citrus germplasm, functional gene discovery, new variety breeding, modern cultivation technology, propagation system techniques, pest control and monitoring, processing and storage techniques, economics and information for citrus industry, quality control, security and criteria studies, etc. CRI is home to the following bodies: National Centre for Citrus Virus Exclusion, National Centre for Citrus Variety Improvement, MOA Quality Control and Inspection Centre for Citrus Productions and Nursery Trees, Chongqing Key Lab of Citrus, etc.

CRI has 35 senior researchers. 10 people hold a doctor’s degree. 11 are awarded as the “outstanding expert” by CAAS. The institute has completed 120 national research projects and 10 international cooperation projects. 139 scientific achievement were made and 6 patent obtained. Two magazines “South China Fruit Trees” and “China Fruit News” are edited.

Three-Level Citrus Virus-Free Propagation Scheme
“Identification of occurrence and distribution of citrus virus and virus–like diseases in China and establishment of virus-free citrus repository” was certified by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1999,
“Studies on molecular detections of citrus virus, virus-like and quarantine pathogens and three-level virus-free propagation scheme” was certified by Chongqing Sci. & Tech. Committee in 2006.

Sweet Orange Variety Zhongyu 7: a high quality coreless mutant bred through F1 mutation of seeds of Jincheng orange individual plants treated with 60Co-γ ray. The variety was examined, named and authorized to release in 1997, and won the third National Invention Award in 1999.

Exploitation And Application of Cybocephalis Nipponicus Endroby--- Natural Enemy of Unaspis Yanonensis
CRI has discovered for the first time that Cybocephalis nipponicus Endroby can be used to control Unaspis yanonensis in citrus. After released to the field, at least 4~5 pesticide application times would be reduced every year and 75~150 yuan control cost saved per mu. This achievement was evaluated and identified by Chongqing Sci. & Tech. Committee in 2004.

Extension and Application of the Cultivation Technology of Elite Pummelo Varieties
132 elite varieties were discovered and bred. One of them passed the national variety release authorization, and 6 passed the provincial authorization. 16 varieties would get matured as early as in September. Both the elite pummelo variety database and computer specialist system established through our research fill the gap in China.
This technology system won the second Sci-Tech Progress Prize awarded by CAAS in 1999.

Key Technology and Equipment for Citrus Deep Processing
"The key techniques and equipment for concentrated citrus juice processing" was identified by the China Machinery Industry Federation in 2002.