国际马铃薯中心亚太中心(中国)翻译岗位招聘启事 _农业科学
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国际马铃薯中心(CIP)招募一名专业翻译,同时从事项目联络和协调工作,为国际马 铃薯中心亚太中心(CCCAP)的建设和发展提供支持。
中心简介:国际马铃薯中心(CIP)是一个非盈利性的国际农业发展研究机构,主要研 究马铃薯、甘薯与安第斯块根块茎作物。其愿景是通过块根块茎作物改善贫困人口的生 活。中心致力于帮助发展中国家块根块茎作物种植与粮食系统内的贫困人口实现粮食安 全、改善民生和性别平等。中心与合作伙伴携手展开高质量的科学技术研究、加强能力 建设,从而找到以科学为基础的可持续解决方案。国际马铃薯中心的总部设在秘鲁利马, 人员和工作覆盖亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的 30 多个国家和地区。中心是国际农业研究磋 商组织联合会的一员。国际农业研究磋商组织是一个以实现粮食安全为宗旨的国际性农 业研究合作组织,下属 15 个研究中心,资助方超过 50 个。
2010 年,中国农业部与国际马铃薯中心签署了《关于在中国建立国际马铃薯中心亚太 中心的东道国协议》。亚太中心(CCCAP)是第一个在中国具有国际法人地位的非盈 利性国际农业科研机构,也是中国与国际马铃薯中心长期友好合作的新里程碑。
亚太中心作为国际马铃薯中心的分中心,将承担薯类作物的所有相关科研工作。其目标 是提高亚太地区薯类作物生产水平,加快减贫致富,改善粮食安全状况。目前,亚太中 心正在积极筹建中。
本职位主要为国际马铃薯中心及亚太中心提供口、笔译服务,并与亚太中心建设项目的 相关各方进行联络和协调,为中心的早日建成运行提供支持。主要工作包括:
  • 翻译信函、PPT、报告、合同等文件;
  •  为中心与国家部委、项目建设单位和合作伙伴等各方的会议及项目会议或培训提供 交替传译或耳语同传;
  • 与亚太中心相关方沟通联络,就相关问题进行跟踪、协调; ? 搜集资料,起草报告、分析、文件、宣传资料、书籍等;
  • 上级主管交予的其他工作。
  • 英语翻译专业硕士毕业,口、笔译均优秀,具备耳语同传的能力;
  • 沟通能力强,尤其是跨文化交际能力; ? 优秀的中英文写作能力;
  • 至少五年翻译经验
  • 善于学习,认真细致;
  • 能够熟练使用 MS Office 等管理工具。
  • 能够在多学科、多文化的环境中工作
  • 解决问题的能力强,能够按时完成领导交给的任务。 
说明:该职位是国内职位,仅限中国公民和永久居民申请。合同期为二年,期满后根据 双方意愿可续签。国际马铃薯中心拥有良好的团队合作与支持的工作环境,为员工留有 个人成长与职业发展的空间。职位的薪酬与福利待遇与同等机构相当,具体依本人的资 历和工作经验而定。
有意者请将中英文双语的求职意向书、简历及两到三位推荐人的姓名与联系方式发送到 cip-cccaprecruit@cgiar.org (推荐人要了解申请人的专业背景与工作经历)
邮件主题格式“国际马铃薯中心+翻译+应聘”。简历接收即日起开始,直到招到合适的 人选,9 月 20 日后会通知初选通过者参加面试。
欲进一步了解国际马铃薯中心,请访问官网 http://www.cipotato.org。

International Potato Center
Ref.: 16-01 P/NRS/CCCAP
Interpreter/ Translator
The International Potato Center (CIP) is seeking a highly competent Interpreter/ Translator who can also handle project communication and coordination to facilitate the establishment and development of CIP-China Center for Asia Pacific (CCCAP).

The Center: CIP is a not-for-profit international agricultural research-for-development organization with a focus on potato, sweet potato, and Andean roots and tubers. Its vision is of roots and tubers improving the lives of the poor. CIP is dedicated to achieving food security, improved well-being, and gender equity for poor people in root and tuber farming and food systems of the developing world. CIP works with partners to contribute high quality science, technology, and capacity strengthening for sustainable science-based solutions. CIP is headquartered in Lima, Peru, with staff and activities in over 30 locations across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. CIP is a member of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research, a network of 15 research centers mostly located in the developing world and supported by more than 50 donor members.

In 2010, the Ministry of Agriculture of China and the International Potato Center (CIP) signed a Host Country Agreement regarding the establishment of CIP-China Center for Asia Pacific (CCCAP). As the first international non-profit institution for agricultural research in China with an international legal personality, CCCAP marks a milestone in the long-term friendship and cooperation between China and CIP.

As one of CIP’s regional centers, CCCAP will undertake strategic and leading research on root and tuber crops. It aims to boost RTC production in the Asia Pacific region and beyond, accelerate poverty reduction and improve food security. CCCAP’s business planning for this expanded role is now underway.

The position: This position will be based in Beijing, China and will report to Director of CCCAP.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The primary objective of this position is to provide interpretation and translation to CIP/CCCAP and maintain communication with other organizations involved in the establishment of CCCAP, providing vital support to the early operation of CCCAP.

General activities will include:
  • Translate letters, presentations, reports, contracts and other written documents;
  •  Interpret consecutively or simultaneously (mostly whisper) for meetings between CCCAP and government agencies, project organizations and cooperation partners as well as for project workshops and trainings etc.;
  •  Maintain stakeholder relationship, track communication with stakeholders, coordinate relevant issues;
  • Collect information and data to prepare reports, analysis, documents, pamphlets, books, etc.;
  • Other tasked assigned by the supervisor.
Selection Criteria:
  • Master’s degree in English, interpretation or translation, good interpretation and translation abilities, ability to perform simultaneous interpretation highly desirable;
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Mandarin and English are essential, especially cross-cultural communication;
  • 5 years of interpretation and translation experience;
  • Eagerness to learn, attention to detail;
  • Good command of MS Office software tools;
  • Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural environment;
  • Problem solving skills, taking consistent action and focused on meeting assignment deadlines.
Conditions: This position is local thus limited to Chinese nationals and permanent residents. The employment contract will be for two-year term with possibility of renewal. CIP prides itself on its collegial and supportive working environment, which allows space for personal and professional growth. The successful candidate will receive a compensation package comparable with similar organizations and in line with the candidate’s qualification and experience.

Applications: Applicants should send email with the following documents to cip-cccaprecruit@cgiar.org including a cover letter summarizing their relevance to this position, a full C.V with the names and contact information of three references that are knowledgeable of the candidate’s professional qualifications and work experience. Screening of applications will begin on September 20, 2016 and will continue until the post is filled. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Learn more about CIP by accessing our web site at http://www.cipotato.org.

CIP is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified women and professionals from developing countries are particularly encouraged to apply